Was and Were = था , थी , थे |
जब वाक्य के अंत में था / थी / थे रहे , तो वाक्य के कर्ता के अनुसार Was / Were का प्रयोग होता है .
Subject + was / were + Complement.
Person | Singular | Plural |
First Person | I was ready. मैं तैयार था . | We were ready. हमलोग तैयार थे . |
Second Person | You were ready. आप तैयार थे . | You were ready. आपलोग तैयार थे . |
Third Person | He / She / It / Ram was ready. वह / राम तैयार था . | They / The boys were ready. वे लोग / लड़कें तैयार थे . |
1. हमलोग गरीब थे . | We were poor. |
2. मैं उदास था . | I was sad. |
3. तुम लाचार थे . | You were helpless. |
4. राम थका था . | Ram was tired. |
8. वे लोग अभियंता थे . | They were engineers. |
Subject + was / were + not + Complement.
1. मैं गरीब नहीं था . | I was not poor. |
2. मोहन दोषी नहीं था . | Mohan was not guilty. |
3. वे लोग भिखारी नहीं थे . | They were not beggars. |
4. तुम ईमानदार नहीं थे . | You were not honest. |
5. तुम चालक नहीं थे . | You were not a driver. |
6. लड़कें विद्यार्थी नहीं थे . | The boys were not students. |
7. सीता डॉक्टर नहीं थी . | Sita was not a doctor. |
8. बच्चे भूखे नहीं थे . | The children were not hungry. |
Was / Were + Subject + Complement ?
1. क्या मैं गरीब था ? | Was I poor ? |
2. क्या वह सुन्दर थी ? | Was she beautiful ? |
3. क्या वह डॉक्टर था ? | Was he a doctor ? |
4. क्या लड़कें मेहनती थे ? | Were the boys laborious ? |
5. क्या रमेश दोषी था ? | Was Ramesh guilty ? |
6. क्या मैं नाविक था ? | Was I a sailor ? |
7. क्या बच्चें खुश थे ? | Were the children happy ? |
8. क्या वे लोग शिक्षक थे ? | Were they teachers ? |
Was / Were + Subject + not + Complement ?
1. क्या मैं अमीर नहीं था ? | Was I not rich ? |
2. क्या वह बहरा नहीं था ? | Was he not deaf ? |
3. क्या सीता ईमानदार नहीं थी ? | Was Sita not honest ? |
4. क्या बच्चे उदास नहीं थे ? | Were the children not sad ? |
5. क्या तुम चालाक नहीं थे ? | Were you not clever ? |
6. क्या मैं अभियंता नहीं था ? | Was I not an engineer ? |
7. क्या वे लोग डॉक्टर नहीं थे ? | Were they not doctors ? |
8. क्या राम लम्बा नहीं था ? | Was Ram not tall ? |
Why / How / When + was / were + Subject + ( not ) + Complement ?
1. मैं कैसे गरीब था ? | How was I poor ? |
2. मैं क्यों तैयार नहीं था ? | Why was I not ready ? |
3. वह कब दुखी था ? | When was he sad ? |
4. बच्चे क्यों भूखे थे ? | Why were the children hungry ? |
5. सीता क्यों परेशान थी ? | Why was Sita anxious ? |
6. वे लोग क्यों चुप थे ? | Why were they silent ? |
7. राम कैसे दयालु नहीं था ? | How was Ram not kind ? |
8. तुम कब बीमार थे ? | When were you ill ? |
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